Québec - An election Dilemma
In three days the election is happening in Québec.
I live in Québec. I am one of the people that feel it is my duty to vote in elections, to exercise the franchise that was won with so much effort by my predecessors.
Never have I had such a difficult choice. Although I have never done it before and I don't feel comfortable doing it, never have I so often felt that spoiling my ballot was the most responsible choice to make.
Here's the dilemma:
I am a federalist. I am a progressive (left wing, liberal in the US sense, or whatever).
On the positive side, the Québec Liberal Party is the only openly federalist party and the Liberal member of the National Assembly that now represents my riding, (I will not say who he is), is a fairly likable and capable person who has tried to implicate himself in the community. The Québec Liberal Party's federalism is, however, one that (for instance) under Bourassa showed that it was quite nationalistic.
If my representative was running as an independent, I would be more comfortable voting for him. I don't want my vote to be interpreted as a vote in support of the Harper government in Ottawa. I don't even want my vote to be interpreted as a vote in support of Jean Charest.
There's the dilemma for a federalist in this province.
I feel uncomfortable voting for the Québec Liberal Party because it is espousing such neo-liberal values as privatising national (provincial) parks, promising to end the cap on education fees and refusing to commit to maintaining the provincial childcare at 7$ per day. The leader of the Québec Liberals is also an ex-minister in the Brian Mulroney government. This government was the government that essentially killed the railway system in this country at a time when it should have been supported and brought to a European-style model. This would have been a really good contribution to the environment. The Mulroney conservative government was also the government that insisted that inscriptions to medical schools across the country should be reduced because there would be too many doctors in the future. This is a big contributing factor to the health care wait times that we are now experiencing. Jean Charest, the Québec Liberal party leader has also shown his close alliance to the present Harper Conservative government. This is a government that is doing nothing to help Québec's aerospace and textile industries.
So, my representative - although a good guy - has chosen to put his lot in with a very unsavoury crowd. There does not appear to be a very progressive wing to the Québec Liberal Party. Many of the more progressive elements in the Québec Liberal Party have decided to retire from politics.
The other choices in the election are:
The Parti Québécois. This party is dedicated to separatism and what was for me its one saving grace has been removed. The PQ used to have a social democratic wing, but the present leader is a true representative of the neo-liberal right.
The Action Démocratique is a retro party. If you liked Duplessis and his regressive policies, then you'll love Mario Dumont. Unfortunately, this political formation is being taken seriously in the present election. Mario Dumont, who was a member of the Oui camp in favour of separation at the time of the last referendum, now says that he is a nationalist not a sovereignist. What is not clear is how he would vote in a PQ minority government.
The Green Party has some possibilities. It is neither progressive nor regressive. Unfortunately, in practice that means that it is regressive. I don't believe it when a party says they are neither left nor right. It is just a way of saying soft right. This, like the federal Green Party, is the political equivalent to the old Progressive Conservatives. Like the Action Démocratique, the Green Party also says that it is neither sovereignist or federalist, but in answer to a question I asked of the party, they answered that they would support a referendum if a large groundswell of popular support was shown.
Québec solidaire is progressive but openly sovereignist. I don't want my vote to support or be interpreted as a vote for sovereignty.
This is not a very promising set of choices. I can't vote for what I believe in, I can only vote for what I find the least distasteful. I guess I'm still leaning toward that spoiled ballot.
By the way the picture is indicative of the faceless choice that Québécois have in the present election. It is also the literal face of Québec voters. As a result of a decision by the Directeur général des élections allowing the full face covering by muslim women, it is legal for people to show up to vote like in the picture. For a story about this follow this link (article in French from Journal de Montréal). This is even more amusing when you consider that Québec has a law that says that you cannot participate in demonstrations while covering your face. So you can't voice your objection to government policy on the street like this, but you can vote like this.
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